Toxins and chemicals can harm your health. Your developing baby is especially vulnerable.
Ways to reduce exposure
- Don’t allow smoking in your home and stay away from public places and people who are smoking.
- Stay away from recently remodeled homes and rooms.
- Use personal care products with safe ingredients and fewer chemicals.
- Don’t kill bugs or mold with pesticides or pet collars.
- Assure all foam products like crib mattresses are flame retardant free or comply with TB-117-2013. Flame retardants can be toxic to brain development.
- Clean your home with non-toxic products like vinegar and baking soda.
- Avoid sweeping, which can stir up toxic substances in dust. Use a HEPA system vacuum and wet mop to clean floors instead.
- Avoid plastics like shower curtains and toys with BPA and vinyl chloride.
- Only use glass dishes in the microwave. Avoid plastic ware for hot drink or food.
- Do not have items with mercury such as certain light bulbs and thermometers in your home. Avoid certain fish high in mercury.
- Avoid lead exposure. Call 800-424-LEAD to learn how to prevent exposure.
- Test for radon if you have basements or ground floors.
- Wash fruits and vegetables. Eat organic foods if budget allows; if not, try to find ones with the lowest pesticide levels.
- Eat foods with low levels of animal fat.
- Avoid canned and processed food. If budget doesn’t allow for fresh vegetables and fruits, choose cans that say BPA-free lining.
- Talk to your employer about potentially harmful substances and ways to avoid exposure.
Prenatal classes
We encourage all obstetrical patients to look into prenatal classes at Cabell Huntington Hospital. Childbirth classes are available as well as classes on breastfeeding, infant CPR, new baby care, and sibling classes. For information or to register, please call 304-526-BABY.
Community service organizations
- Cabell County Family Resource Network: 304-697-0255
- United Way, Cabell County Substance Abuse Prevention Partnership, Education Matters, Financial Stability and Success by 6: 304-523-8929
- Huntington City Mission: 304-523-0293
Early childhood/development/day care
- Birth to Three: 304-523-5444
- Head Start & Pre-K: 304-697-4600
- LINK Child Care Resource & Referral: 1-800-894-9540
- TEAM for WV Children: 304-523-9587
- WV Help Me Grow: 1-800-642-8522
Health care/nutrition
Crisis and emergency needs
- Maternal Addiction & Recovery Center (MARC): 304-691-8730
- Abuse Hotlines (children and adult protective services, domestic violence): 1-800-352-6513
- Branches Domestic Violence Shelter: 304-529-2382
- Information & Referral (referrals, utility assistance, food and clothing pantries, etc.): 304-528-5660
- Poison Control Center: 1-800-222-1222
- Marshall OB Concern Line: 681-378-4662