Request information about our organization’s rules and regulations, a safe environment and the name and title of anyone providing you with service.
Be well-informed about your illness, possible treatments and likely outcomes and to discuss your care with your doctor. If there are questions that remain after this discussion, you have the right to seek an opinion from another doctor. If there is a dilemma that is irresolvable, you have the right to change doctors.
Access the information contained in your medical record within the limits of the law.
Obtain from your doctor information necessary to give or refuse informed consent prior to the start of any procedure or treatment.
Refuse treatment. If you refuse treatment, you have the right to other appropriate care and services that our organization provides or transfer to another healthcare provider.
An advance directive (living will, medical power of attorney and/or organ donation) to express your choices about your future care if you cannot speak for yourself.
Consult a Bioethics Committee to assist you, your family, your doctor and the staff with difficult decisions involving your care and treatment.
Personal privacy. Your medical information will be kept confidential subject to the requirements of law our organization’s policy and operations.
Appropriate assessment and management of pain. You have the right to be free from restraints except when necessary for medical treatment, for your own or others’ safety, or when required by law, to have care provided by qualified, competent staff and to be free from all forms of abuse or harassment.
Receive information about charges billed to your account.
Request information about any business relationship Cabell Huntington Hospital & Marshall Health has with other healthcare providers or educational institutions that may influence your treatment or care. You have the right to obtain information as to the existence of any professional relationships among individuals, by name, who are treating you.
You have the responsibility to:
Report and/or remove any items that are illegal or may be detrimental to the health and safety of yourself or other patients and visitors. Firearms (both open and concealed) are prohibited on the health sciences campus, pursuant to West Virginia Code 61-7-14. Other prohibited items include, but are not limited to:
Weapons and objects that can be used as weapons, including knives, box cutters, straight razors, etc.
Contraband and illegal substances
For the health and safety of the patient, these items should not be used during your visit.
Medications brought from home (including both prescription and over-the-counter medications, supplements and herbal remedies)
Cigarettes, cigars, matches and other smoking items.
Discourage friends and family from accompanying your visit if they are sick or have been exposed to a communicable disease such as chicken pox.
Make informed decisions and to ask as many questions as you need to fully understand your condition and treatment options.
Report to the healthcare team any changes in your condition on a timely basis.
Provide the healthcare team with complete and accurate information about your health, past illnesses, hospital stays and medications.
Outcomes if treatment is refused or the plan of treatment is not followed. You are responsible for informing your physician if you believe you cannot follow the treatment plan.
Inform the staff if you are interested in completing an Advance Directive. For assistance or more information about Bioethics Committee consultations, call Pastoral Care at 304-526-2000 x. 3730.
Respect the rights, privacy and confidentiality of other patients and health care personnel. This includes not smoking, controlling noise and distractions and limiting visitors.
Provide information about your pain, communicate regarding unrelieved pain, participate in the management of your pain and accept responsibility for outcomes if treatment is not followed.
Provide information about your ability to pay for services and working with the provider to arrange payment. A financial counselor is available at 304-691-1029.
Other Policies
Service Animal Policy All patients and visitors accompanied by a service animal that is individually trained to do work or perform tasks for a disabled person must be permitted to enter all areas of Marshall Health open to the general public.