Clinical Pharmacy Specialist
Dr. Ronald "Ron" Carico Jr., is a clinical pharmacy specialist practicing with the psychiatry department at Marshall Health. He is published in Annals of Internal Medicine, JAMA Internal Medicine, Health Services Research and other journals. He enjoys using observational data to study how systems can be improved. His clinical interests include psychiatric pharmacy, social/administrative pharmacy, quality assessment/quality improvement, observational research and public health.
As a psychiatry clinical pharmacist, he provides logistical support to prescribers by performing Board of Pharmacy-mandated reviews of controlled substance monitoring programs, assisting with pharmacy-related prior authorization requests, drafting educational briefings on medications of interest to prescribers, drafting appeal letters if a pharmacy declines to cover a patient’s medication, and providing input on medication selection upon request. He also provides didactic and written educational interventions to his department and plans to lead patient medication education groups with psychiatry patients. In addition, he helps produce publications in peer-reviewed journals using publicly available administrative datasets and purpose-built cohorts and assists with investigational new drug research through Marshall University School of Medicine’s Clinical and Translational Science department.
In his free time, Dr. Carico also enjoys running, escape rooms, and playing board/tabletop games with his friends and family. He shares ownership of a dog with his spouse. The family is collectively owned by a cat.
A provider-based department of Cabell Huntington Hospital
20th Street Professional Building
1115 20th Street, Suite 205
Huntington, WV 25703
Phone: 304.691.1500