Steady employment and financial security are at the CORE of addiction recovery.
Marshall Health provides the resources and support necessary to help individuals in recovery re-enter the workforce through our Creating Opportunities for Recovery Employment (CORE) initiative. CORE’s goal is to create a ready workforce within its 12-county region of southwestern West Virginia.
CORE helps individuals focus on a career path, rather than a job. Our employment specialists provide:
- a career readiness assessment
- job search/interview/resume/letter writing advice
- job training and job placement assistance
- educational placement
Our specially-trained employment specialists take a comprehensive, individualized approach to assess, prepare and support individuals in recovery as they seek and attain employment and/or education. CORE also connects individuals with training and financial aid opportunities in their community.
CORE relies on referrals from PROACT therapists and other partner treatment sites. CORE representatives works alongside public and private employers and workforce development entities to assist individuals with a broad range of career interests.
Job placement is never guaranteed but is a vital component of the recovery process.
CORE operates three main hubs in Cabell, Fayette and Kanawha counties in West Virginia. Our team partners with local employers in coal-impacted counties across a 12-county region committed to providing gainful employment through existing jobs and new job opportunities through start-ups.
The CORE team works to implement the CORE model across our 12-county region via our three primary hubs.
Program Staff
Ashley M. Shaw, MS, MBA
CORE Director
Sherrie Myers
Program Coordinator
Hub 1 (Cabell, Lincoln & Wayne counties)
Samantha Page
Employment Specialist
Yvette Barrett
Employment Specialist
Hub 2 (Boone, Kanawha, Logan & Mingo counties)
Blain Smith
Employment Specialist
Xondre Willis
Employment Specialist
Hub 3 (Fayette, McDowell, Mercer, Raleigh & Wyoming counties)
Brittany Cook
Employment Specialist
Sidney Lambert
Employment Specialist
CORE is made possible, in part, through generous support from the Appalachian Regional Commission and Claude Worthington Benedum Foundation.
Created in partnership with the WV Chamber of Commerce, this free, online training resource designed to equip your business in preventing and responding to substance misuse and support employees in recovery. >>Learn More
Ashley Shaw, MBA
CORE Program Director
CORE is committed to creating new employment opportunities in the 12-county region it serves.
CORE leverages social enterprise development as an additional means of workforce development toward meaningful employment and work experience for those in recovery and coal-impacted communities.
Through exploration of social innovation and business, CORE addresses critical health, social and economic challenges to meet the needs of the community in creating additional opportunities.