Please join us in welcoming the School of Pharmacy faculty, staff and students to their new home on Marshall’s health science campus, located at the corner of Hal Greer Blvd. and Charleston Ave.
Effective Monday, August 19, the Northcott lot (graveled lot across Hal Greer from the new pharmacy school building) will be available for temporary parking. Additional parking options include:
Please keep the upper level of the parking deck at the BCC open for patients. Towing will be enforced.
Additionally, parking is still available at Kinetic Park with shuttle service provided by Cabell Huntington Hospital, 6:30 a.m. to 7 p.m. If you would like to volunteer to park at Kinetic Park, please contact Lisa Maynard at maynard241@marshall.edu or Tina Clay at johnson324@marshall.edu.
Michele McKnight
Marshall Health & School of Medicine
Assistant Director of External Affairs
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