Marshall Pharmacy expands with addition of residency positions


HUNTINGTON, W.Va. — Marshall Pharmacy, a service of Marshall Health, is now offering two community residency positions for pharmacy school graduates.

Pharmacy residencies are optional upon completion of a pharmacy degree (Pharm.D.). Graduates can pursue further training in either a clinical, ambulatory care, community or research track, and work as licensed practitioners, but under the supervision of experienced preceptors.

The two postgraduate year 1 (PGY1) positions at Marshall Pharmacy are defined as general competency residencies.

“We are extremely proud of our community-based ambulatory care residency,” said Jeff Fenerty, R.Ph., director of Marshall Pharmacy and residency director.  “Our program is unique among residencies as we offer PGY1 residents the opportunity to rotate through several specialties.  Our residents not only get the community pharmacy experience at Marshall Pharmacy, but also rotate through internal medicine, family medicine, oncology, neurology and psychiatry.”

Fenerty said the movement towards accountable care organizations, a coordinated voluntary effort to deliver high quality health care, has highlighted the value of pharmacists in the ambulatory setting.

The residency program is in collaboration with the Marshall University School of Pharmacy and is supported by Cabell Huntington Hospital.

“Cabell Huntington Hospital is pleased to partner in this progressive program that prepares pharmacists to work closely with physicians and patients,” said Gene Preston, vice president, physician services and managed care, at the hospital.  “Pharmacists play an important role in the patient care process. From encouraging patients to take a more active role in their care to more rapidly identifying and managing changes in the patient’s condition, pharmacists can support better outcomes and increased patient satisfaction.”

Much like the national residency matching program for graduating medical students, pharmacy residency slots are also determined through a national residency match program.  The match is sponsored by the American Society of Health System Pharmacists.

Current Marshall Pharmacy residents are Janice Biernacke, Pharm.D., a graduate of the University of Colorado School of Pharmacy, and Ben Frederick, Pharm. D., a graduate of the Marshall University School of Pharmacy.  


Media Relations Contact

Michele McKnight
Assistant Director of External Affairs

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