HUNTINGTON, W.Va. – Marshall Health has named Sarah Thomas, R.N., as its new Patient Medical Home Manager. In that role, she will work with physicians, staff and other health care providers to ensure the quality and efficiency of care for patients with chronic conditions.
“Patients with chronic and often multiple conditions have better outcomes when their health care is coordinated,” said Larry Dial, M.D., chief medical officer at Marshall Health. “Sarah’s experience with quality assessment and improvement make her a terrific asset to our team.”
Thomas received her nursing education and certifications from Collins Career and Technical Center. She worked for 15 years as a licensed practical nurse at Marshall Health’s department of pediatrics where her duties included quality care coordination. Thomas has also worked at Hoops Children’s Hospital at Cabell Huntington Hospital in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit and most recently served as an R.N. analyst in information technology for Marshall Health.
Michele McKnight
Marshall Health & School of Medicine
Assistant Director of External Affairs
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