Marshall University School of Pharmacy’s Class of 2024 is hosting a Hurricane Laura Relief drive-thru collection Saturday, Sept. 19, from 10 am – 4 pm and Sunday, Sept. 20, from 1-5 pm.
“When category four hurricane hit the Louisiana/Texas border last month, many people lost their homes and jobs,” said Dianne Ash, Class of 2024 School of Pharmacy student. “We hope to help some of those affected by supplying items necessary to keep them safe while they piece their lives back together.”
The following items are needed:
Other new and unopened items will also be accepted. Donors may enter the Charleston Avenue side of Stephen J. Kopp Hall and exit via 11th Street. Social distance and mask mandates will be maintained. Please stage your items in the back seat or trunk of your car to keep the line moving and minimize contact as students retrieve the donations.
Kopp Hall
Back Parking Lot
1538 Charleston Ave.